Big Mouth: My Furry Valentine Keeps the Comedy Coming

Big Mouth My Furry Valentine

This is a spoiler-free review of Big Mouth: My Furry Valentine.

Love is in the air in Big Mouth, Netflix’s adult cartoon about hormone-fueled children. The program released a special Valentine’s day double-episode on February 8th, 2019. The episode is titled “My Furry Valentine”.

For those of you who haven’t seen the show, Big Mouth is created by Nick Kroll, Andrew Golberg, and Jennifer Flackett. Big Mouth has a star-studded cast including Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, Maya Rudolph, and Jenny Slate. The show premiered in 2017 and currently has two seasons.

The series follows a group of children as they make their way into puberty. Each child gets their own Hormone Monster, a demon-like creature who teaches them about the birds and the bees. Big Mouth does not hold anything back and is filled with raunchy humor.

Big Mouth has been one of my favorite cartoons over the past few years. I feel like there are very few mainstream shows that are this filthy. It is amazing what can happen when the censorship of traditional television is not present. Between Big Mouth and BIll Burr’s F is For Family, it looks like Netflix is not shy about adult animation.

My Furry Valentine is no departure from the standard formula of Big Mouth. The children are doing their best to navigate their blossoming sexuality. Lucky for us, these experiences are filled with hilarious and awkward moments. What can be more awkward than all of this happening on Valentine’s Day?

This episode runs for about forty-six minutes, which is about twice the length of a typical episode. The special contains all of our favorite characters, including the Ghost of Duke Ellington, Jay’s pillows, and the insightful yelling Ladybug. My Furry Valentine, in typical “special episode” fashion, also contains some silly musical numbers.

The episode also breaks the fourth wall by offering scenes reminiscent of reality television. We see the children and their Hormone Monsters in a confession room-style scenes where they explain how they met each other. These scenes are a the episode’s biggest (and hilarious) departure from their regular format.

Check Out Big Mouth: My Furry Valentine

I thought that Big Mouth: My Furry Valentine was a great episode. It will definitely hold me over until season three comes out. This is an excellent episode to watch with your loved one on Valentine’s Day…you know…if you are into that sort of thing.

Big Mouth is available on Netflix

Check out Big Mouth on IMDB


Author: Joey Mills

Podcast host. Website contributor. Pop culture guru.