Pop Culture Kitchen: Jack Skellington Hot Chocolate Balls

Your family will love these melting Jack Skellington got chocolate balls! Grab a blanket and snuggle up to your favorite Halloween classic!

You will need:

  • white melting chocolate
  • mini chocolate chips
  • mini marshmallows
  • candy cane pieces
  • hot cocoa powder
  • circle molds  (I linked the one I bought from amazon, but I felt like a smaller one would have done better. This one didn’t fit well into any coffee mugs so maybe look for a smaller one)
  • cookie icing


  1. Line your mold with plastic wrap so that it is easier to pull out once dried. Make sure there are no wrinkles.
  2. Melt your white chocolate and pour a few spoonfuls into each side of your mold. Either paint your chocolate up the sides or tilt and rotate until completely coated.
  3. Let cool in refrigerator.
  4. Once set, pull your chocolate out of the molds. Warm up an empty pan on the stove and place your chocolate spheres upside down for one second to melt the edges.
  5. Quickly fill one half with two tablespoons of hot cocoa powder, crushed peppermints, and mini chocolate chips. Fill the other half with mini marshmallows.
  6. Gently place the two spheres together and hold for 30 seconds. Set in a secure place and use your cookie icing to draw a Jack Skellington face!
  7. Place your ball into a mug and pour hot milk over the top. Watch it melt, stir, and enjoy!

If you would like to see your favorite pop culture foods recreated as one of our recipes, let us know in the comments!


Author: Tara Reyes