Pop Culture Kitchen: White Walker Ice Cream

“Winter is coming!” Our White Walker Ice Cream recipe is both delicious and terrifying. Enjoy it sitting in your very own iron throne! 


– ½ cup black sesame seeds
– 1 Tbsp. honey
– 1½ cups whole milk
– ¾ cup sugar
– ¼ tsp. salt
– 4 large egg yolks
– 1½ cups half and half
– 1 tsp. vanilla extract
– ½ cup blue M&Ms
– ¼ cup white chocolate chips


  1.  Pour the sesame seeds into a skillet and dry roast over medium heat. Once they start to smell fragrant and you hear faint popping noises, remove them from the heat and pour them into the bowl of a food processor.
  2. Once the sesame seeds are cool, turn on the food processor and grind them until they form a paste. Scrape down the sides. Add honey. Turn on the food processor and blend until honey is fully combined.
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk egg yolks until slightly lighter in color.
  4. Heat milk, sugar, salt, and sesame mixture in a medium pot, stirring often. Once all of the sugar has dissolved, slowly add the mixture to the eggs until the two mixtures are about the same temperature.
  5. Pour this back into the pot and heat until it is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
  6. Pour half and half and vanilla extract into a medium bowl. Pour the milk mixture into the bowl slowly, whisking as you go.
  7. Pour this back into the pot. Set the bowl aside and place a mesh strainer on top. Heat the milk mixture, stirring often, until the custard coats the back of a spoon and holds a line.
  8. Pour the custard through the strainer.
  9. Fill a large bowl with ice and sprinkle with Kosher salt or ice cream salt.
  10. Place the custard bowl and whisk for 10 minutes or until ice cream begins to freeze and thicken. Add m&ms and white chocolate chips.
  11. Cover and place ice cream in freezer to set for an additional 3 hours.
  12. Serve and Enjoy! We topped ours with marshmallow ice cream topping for extra fun!


We love coming up with crafts and recipes! If you have a pop culture theme that you would like to see featured, drop it in the comments below!


Author: Tara Reyes

1 thought on “Pop Culture Kitchen: White Walker Ice Cream

  1. I tried this after you made it at work the black kinda through me off and I really didn’t know what it was

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