Saturday Craft: Iron Throne Office Chair

This quick and easy DIY Iron Throne will make you feel like the Queen (or King) of the office. Assert your dominance by telling your coworkers to “Bend the Knee” at the next office meeting!

My recent obsession with the show had me itching to do a Game of Thrones themed craft. (Yes, I know I’m behind the rest of the world.) Turns out my cat Frankie loved it as much as I did!

What you need:

  • lots of cardboard
  • box cutter
  • elastic
  • glue
  • black and silver spray paint


  1. Start by cutting a piece of cardboard to fit the back of your chair. Cut a small hole on either side of the cardboard and put each side of the elastic through them. Pull the elastic through to fit the chair, cut off the excess elastic and glue the ends down.

2. Start by cutting your cardboard into lots of 2-3 inch wide strips. Cut the end of one side of all of them into a point.

3. Cut out several little handles for your “Swords and attach them to some of the cardboard strips you already cut.

4. Layer and glue the “Swords” to your cardboard piece and wait for the glue to dry.

5. Next, spray paint the entire thing with black spray paint. Let it dry and apply a second coat if needed. Add some detail with silver spray paint, but not too much!

6. Once completely dry, slip the elastic over the back of your office chair and take a seat on your very own throne that may not be made from the blades surrendered by your enemies but will still make you look like a badass.



Author: Tara Reyes

2 thoughts on “Saturday Craft: Iron Throne Office Chair

  1. I love game of thrones and can’t wait to do this project ❤️❤️❤️

  2. I love game of thrones and can’t wait to do this project ❤️❤️❤️

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