Saturday Craft: Magic Pokéball

Our magic Pokéball is great for helping you make tough decisions or accurately predicting the future! Just close your eyes, give it a shake, and let the Magic Pokéball tell all!

You will need

•ping pong balls

•small bottles with cork(we got ours on amazon)

•container lid or other piece of thin plastic

• markers

• X-Acto knife


• gluegun

Step 1

Using the small bottle as a guide, draw a circle on the ping pong ball with a pencil.

Step 2:

Cut out the circle using your X-acto knife.

Step 3:

Cut out small triangles from your container lid. They should be small enough to fit into the bottle.

Step 4:

Using a fine tipped sharpie, write “yes” and “no” on either side of your tiny triangles.

Step 5:

Drop your plastic triangle into the bottle, fill with water, and seal tightly with cork.

Step 6:

Put glue on the top of the cork and insert the bottle upside-down into your ping pong ball.

Step 7:

Using markers, color your ping pong ball like a Pokéball!

Now ask it anything and be amazed as it correctly predicts the future every time!

Today’s craft is lots of fun for older kids. Mine are 12 and 10 and had a blast with these! Make it a Pokémon themed day by following it with our MooMoo Milkshakes and cookies! 


Author: Tara Reyes