Multiverse Tonight Pop Tarts The Movie? Really?

On the Comic Book Edition, The Snyder Cut gets physical, Marvel sees NFT, Marvel do, and Poptarts: The Movie. All that and more on the…

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Multiverse Tonight Too Old For A Four Hour Movie

On the comic book edition, The Snyder Cut is gonna be a looooooong cut, Black Widow decides to leave her heart in San Fran ,…

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Multiverse Tonight Have Yourself A Marvel-ous Christmas

On the comic book edition, We look at all the Marvel news from Disney Investor Day,  Warner Bros takes a hybrid approach to movies in…

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Multiverse Tonight A Plea to Save Comics

On the comic book edition, Thomas asks is it time to expand comics to other retailers?, Batwoman quits, The Snyder cut , A Jackpot of a…

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