Take Too Podcast: #121 — Super Snore

Hosts: Tony and Brian

Traditionally the lowest Box Office weekend of the year and this year didn’t disappoint!

The big game usually takes up most folks weekend but not ours! We have FOUR movie reviews for you to enjoy. Plus a ton of good Hollywood News, DC Discussion and Marvel info.

Our What’s in the Glass is more of a location than a beverage and our Casting Couch is very crowded with great celebs this week!

OF COURSE we also break down everything that was during the huge football match this weekend. The trailers, the commercials, the half time show and even some chatter about the game itself.

Ratings and Reviews always appreciated!

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twitter: @taketoopodcast

email: taketoopodcast@gmail.com

web: taketoopodcast.com

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Call the hotline: 434-602-1931

Be Kind; Rewind:

  • Intro – 1:04,
  • Box Office – 4:21,
  • Velvet Buzzsaw – 7:00,
  • What’s in the Glass – 12:10,
  • Abducted in Plain Sight – 16:50,
  • Super Bowl review – 25:45,
  • Minding the Gap – 1:01:30,
  • Casting Couch – 1:05:00,
  • Kimmy Schmidt – 1:09:10,
  • Podcast Recommendation – 1:11:55,
  • Hollywood News – 1:13:50,
  • DC Discussion – 1:25:15,
  • Marvel Minute – 1:34:15,
  • Going Forward – 1:37:30


Author: Joey Mills

Podcast host. Website contributor. Pop culture guru.