Two Dads Review: ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 2 Episode 14 “Such Sweet Sorrow: Part 2” [Recap and Review]

Two Dads Review

“Such Sweet Sorrow: Part 2”

To the USS Discovery and her crew: Parting really is such sweet sorrow. This episode marks not only their continuing journey into the future but also the last time we will see some of the characters we have grown to love over the past season. We are interested in see where the show goes for Season 3.

That being said, we hope that the move to the future allows the writing team to do what they do best without having to be tied to cannon. I guess fans of the show and the universe are partly to blame. Hamfisted fixes to cannon are not what we need or desire no matter how much we complain.

For those listeners who are only here for our Discovery episodes, we hope you find us again next year and until then: Thank You and Live Long and Prosper.

To our weekly listeners, as always, thank you for the listen and your time. Remember to share with your friends and see you next week.


Author: Joey Mills

Podcast host. Website contributor. Pop culture guru.