DIY Dinglehopper Wind Chime

Disney’s live action The Little Mermaid is making waves! (See what I did there?) Whether or not you’ve seen it already, you’ll love this Ariel inspired DIY!

You will need:

  • seashells (however many you want!)
  • clear bracelet string
  • dowel rod
  • Twine
  • Drill and 5/64 drill bit
  • a dinglehopper
  • ribbon
  • hot glue gun
  • glitter glue, beads, feathers, or anything you want to decorate it with!


1. Start by drilling little holes in the tops of all of your seashells. Do it on top of a cutting board or something you don’t mind poking holes into. Be careful to go slowly as to not break them.

2. Next, so the same thing with the tip of your fork.
This one will take a lot longer.

3. Thread your string through the shells and fork in whatever pattern or design you like, making sure to tie off the string at each hole. Tie the end of each string to the rod.

4. Hot glue the end of the twine to the rod and twist it all around it, putting a dot of hot glue every two inches and at the ends.

5. Tie the ribbon onto the rod to make a hanger.

6.You can finish there or decorate it with glitter, beads, feathers, or paint!


Author: Tara Reyes