May 14th

May 14th, 1804: The Lewis & Clark expedition left St. Louis, Missouri, on a mission to explore the American Northwest from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.

May 14th, 1998: 76.3 million people tuned in for the series finale of Seinfeld. 76.29 million of them thought it was the worst episode of Seinfeld.

May 14th, 1998: Celebrity Deathmatch premiered on MTV.

Director George Lucas turns 76 years old.

From left to right: George Lucas, Steven Spielberg (not his birthday), and Robert Zemeckis.

Director Robert Zemeckis turns 68 years old.

Singer David Byrne turns 68 years old as well.

 Singer Tom Cochrane turns 67 years old.

Actor Tim Roth turns 59 years old.

Rocker C. C. DeVille turns 58 years old.

Actress Cate Blanchett turns 51 years old.

Director Sofia Coppola turns 49 years old.

Actress Amber Tamblyn turns 37 years old.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg turns 36 years old.

Actress/singer Miranda Cosgrove turns 27 years old.

May 14th is National Buttermilk Biscuit Day.


Author: Joey Mills

Podcast host. Website contributor. Pop culture guru.