Funko Friday: Get To The Concert With ‘A Goofy Movie Game’

This week we’re taking a look at A Goofy Movie Game, based on the 1995 Disney animated film A Goofy Movie. Regardless of whether you grew up with A Goofy Movie or have never seen it, A Goofy Movie Game can be enjoyed by any 2 to 4 players ages 7+.

The object of the game is to move your character across the United States to Los Angeles to catch the Powerline concert. Along the way you’ll collect memories worth a variable amount of points for your scrapbook. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins, though the journey with friends and family makes everyone a winner, right?

No. The player with the most points at the end is still the winner.

Included in the box are the Game Board, Goofy Mover, Powerline Mover, 4 Character Movers, 48 Character Cards, 50 Scrapbook Cards, 4 Reference Cards, 6 Bonus Tokens, one Die, and the instructions.

As with other Funko Games we’ve reviewed this summer and fall, the rules can feel intimidating for younger or inexperienced gamers at first, but are super simple to understand once you get to playing. Players who develop a strategy for collecting memories and moving across the map tend to perform better than those who take it one round at a time, which is nice because it rewards planning in a relatively younger-skewing game while not punishing those who take it round-by-round. The more our testers played, the less frequently they put themselves in a position to have to roll the die, which has the potential to bring Powerline’s tour closer to Los Angeles, thus ending the game. Again, it’s a small thing — and that die is really cool and people want to roll it — that can engage more strategic players. A Goofy Movie Game is one that our testers plan to return to again and again.

A Goofy Movie Game is available online for an MSRP of $23.99. At the time that this review was typed, Amazon had the game discounted to 19.99, or 17% off.

Disclaimer: A copy of A Goofy Movie Game was provided for review purposes. All opinions are our own. Purchasing through the links above helps support Pop Goes the Culture.


Author: Joey Mills

Podcast host. Website contributor. Pop culture guru.